Tuesday, 3 February 2009

And the answer is...

Groucho Marx.
Though I was actually thinking about Noam Chomsky when I wrote it. Perhaps you had to be in my head...

I get the feeling that I should be posting more often than monthly - perhaps I will when I have more on the writing front to report. Though in that vein - I was really happy to have been shortlisted for the Comma Press short-story competition a while back (should have blogged that one when it was more relevant) but am slightly concerned that there seems to be nothing about the competition, the translations or the winning story on their website. Hmm...

I'm just putting the finishing touches to the "Hall of Mirrors" short story which I'm thinking of sending to comma, and wondering what I'll do for the Bridport this year. Have been doing a bit of research into stage-magicians and illusionists. Perhaps there's some material in there...

I note that there's been a lot of tailing off my paragraphs today - perhaps it's something to do with the fact that I'm craving ice-cream...

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